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Support Group


Couples'  Ministry


We, the Cruciformed Couples, seek to live in a manner worthy of our calling (Eph. 4:1). Because of our Crucified Savior and the privilege of displaying the union of Christ and the Church (Eph. 5:32), we seek to journey together in pursuit of the “one-flesh relationship” (Eph. 5:31) by being faithful to our cruciformed roles (Eph. 5:22-32).

As Cruciformed Parents, training our children in the ways of the Lord through our lives and teaching is our continued exhortation and prayer.


We are gathering online every last Friday of the month at 7:30 in the evening for teaching and fellowship led by Pastor Enteng and Malou Ramoneda.


Come and journey with us!

Men's Ministry


“Like Men” is the Men’s Ministry of the church with groups for the adult men and the young husbands. Our passion is to glorify Christ by “acting like men” (1 Cor. 16:13) in a world of passive men. We believe that real men love Jesus, seek to know and be like Him (Phil. 3:10-14). We spur one another to intentionally lead our wives, children, church, and all our circles of influence like Christ (Mark 10:43-45).

It is our desire to raise up Cruciformed Men who are willing to lay down their lives for their brothers.


You are welcome to learn and be part of our Small Groups every week online. Check the details below:


1. Adult Men - Sundays at 1:30 PM led by Pastor Enteng Ramoneda.

2. Young Husbands - Sundays at 2 PM led by Pastor Jonard Hermosa.


Journey and be Cruciformed with us!

Women's Ministry


We, the women of Cruciform Life Church, are pursuing God’s high calling of complementing our husbands (Gen. 2:18; Eph. 5:22-24). We want to possess the true beauty of a “quiet and gentle spirit” (1 Pet. 3:3-5). As Proverbs 31 women, we seek to joyfully serve and help our family in every way. It is also our fervent desire to model and teach what a true godly woman is to the younger women (Titus 2:3- 5). We are composed of Adult Women and Young Wives.


We are gathering online every week in Small Groups. Check the details below:


1. Adult Women - Sundays at 2 PM led by Malou Ramoneda.

2. Young Wives - Sundays at 2 PM led by Joyda Kalloor and Rosanna Guilaran.


Inviting all women to come and join us as we journey life together!

Young Adults' Ministry

We are a fellowship of single, working or non-working, young adults whose goal is to help everyone be rooted and mature in the Gospel through small group and oneon-one discipleships, regular biblical teachings, prayer meetings, relationship and team building events for the glory of God and His Work. We seek to help the Church build a culture of grace which we believe is the conducive environment for Gospel growth.


"We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me." Colossians 1:28-29

We have currently suspended our quarterly fellowship due to the pandemic but we are gathering online every week in Small Groups. Check the details below:


1. Team Brenda - Sundays at 2 PM led by Brenda Lee Labastida.

2. Team Nona - Fridays at 7 PM led by Nona Macasa.

3. Team Andy - Sundays at 2 PM led by Andy Ersando.

4. Team Jonas - Sundays at 2 PM led by Jonas Flanco.

5. Team Christian - Sundays at 2 PM led by Christian Mendoza.


Welcome to the Young Adults’ Ministry and let’s grow together in Christ!


Youth Ministry

“OneSixteen” is the Youth Ministry of the church that exists to embody the message of Romans 1:16. We seek to raise a mature young generation that humbly brags the truth of the gospel as it remains true in their lives. This group is for the high-school and college students.

OneSixteen Gathering is the fellowship of OneSixteen at large which happens once a month online. We are gathering online every week in Small Groups. Check the details below:


1. Youth Boys - Sunday afternoon at 3 PM led by Pastor Japhet Flanco.

2. Youth Girls - Sunday afternoon at 3 PM led by Joy Flanco.


Please get in touch and enjoy the brotherhood and sisterhood. Peace out!


Children's Ministry

The Children's Ministry serves as partner to the parents who are given the privilege and primary responsibility in bringing up their child in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. It is our joy to walk with your child in knowing the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ through:


• Interactive learning with fun activities.

• Using Gospel-centered materials to point them to Christ all throughout the Bible (From Genesis to Revelation, It's all about Jesus).


“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Due to the pandemic, the Children's Ministry gathers every Saturday on the following schedule online:


1. Group 1 (ages 3-5) every 1st Saturday of the month.

2. Group 2 (ages 6-8) every 2nd Saturday of the month.

3. Group 3 (ages 9-11) every 3rd Saturday of the month.

4. Group 4 (ages 12-15 / Junior Youth) every 4th Saturday of the month.


Inviting all the parents to take the privilege with us to raise and serve your children with the gospel!

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