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About Cruciform


Our Name

Cruciform Life means a life shaped by the cross.

We believe that a believer’s life should be conformed to the cross of Christ.


In his passion to know Christ, Paul said in Philippians 3:10, “…becoming like Him (Christ) in His death…” This is an expression that means, like Christ who denied Himself, Paul wanted to deny himself as well. Jesus Himself, said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily…” (Luke 9:23) In Paul’s theology, a believer has died with Christ and Christ should be the one living in him. In his own words, Paul said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20b)


Therefore, a person who has come to understand the Gospel should be living a cross-shaped life.


Thus, our name, Cruciform Life Church.


Our Core Beliefs


God sovereignly carried out His eternal plan of redeeming a people for Himself through a covenant centered on Jesus and His saving work on the cross. God drew His chosen people to Jesus through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. This sovereign act of God in saving sinners compels His people to give the glory to Him alone, worship Him out of gratefulness, and obey Him joyfully.


The Bible is not a collection of unrelated stories or a compilation of different works of literature. Instead, all of these stories and literature point to the redemptive act of God, the Gospel. Though there are several redemptive acts of God in Scripture, these all point to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus - the very act of God to save sinners. We believe that all of Scripture is about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is the center of our teaching and lives.


We believe that a true understanding of the Gospel will result in maintaining the “unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace,” which Jesus prayed for the Church that the world may know Him. In this way, the manifold wisdom of God in bringing peoples together will be displayed through the Church. It is of a necessity for the Church then to grow in living their lives together.


God did His redemptive act through Christ Jesus to save all His chosen ones. We believe that this plan of God to have a people for Himself should be the mission of the Church. The Gospel itself compels believers to witness of it.

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