How important is it that we do not doubt God’s love towards us? This question separates the true people of God from those who are just physically present in the gathering, or assembly, or, as we know it today, Church.

In the Book of Malachi, God confronted the integrity of the returnees from Babylon in Jerusalem, who went through the motions of worship but lack sincerity. In chapter 1:2-5, God particularly confronted their doubt of His love for them. In a manner of dialogue like that of a faithful husband and a doubting wife, God, the husband, expressed His love towards Israel but the latter questioned His love (v.2).
What happened next is insanely crazy that God stooped down to explain His love. Why would God do it? Yet He did it anyway. It shows how God is really into a relationship. God proved His love by how He chose Jacob (Israel) over Esau. And because of this choosing, God will be against Esau (vv.3-4). And Israel will know that God is in control in Israel and beyond when He destroys what Esau will build over and over again (v. 5).
Should anyone who is really in a relationship with God question God’s love towards him? No, if one really understands His love which, in the New Testament, we understand as understanding the good news of salvation (Romans 5:8). If we are true believers, we are certain of God’s love in how He chose us in Christ Jesus to be holy and blameless before Him (Eph. 1:3-4).